简介: After a series of disturbing supernatural events in his home, Joel, a young single father, comes to suspect that his young son may be possessed. 约尔是一个单身父亲,在他的家中出现了一些列超自然灵异事件滋扰以后,他开始怀疑自己的小儿子是否被附身。
After a series of disturbing supernatural events in his home, Joel, a young single father, comes to suspect that his young son may be possessed. 约尔是一个单身父亲,在他的家中出现了一些列超自然灵异事件滋扰以后,他开始怀疑自己的小儿子是否被附身。展开
8.0 尼科洛·汤姆/大卫·帕拉菲/斯蒂夫·巴西奇/艾米丽·乌勒普/约翰·卡西尼/米兰达·弗利贡/阿隆·克拉文/Craig March/森塔·普拉萨德/Gemma Martini/Donald L. Gold/Richard Yee/Kim Kondrashoff/丹尼尔·博乐奥/Christopher Jordan Lee/